marketing + business development offerings
whether you choose to be center stage or behind-the-scenes, think of us as your supporting cast.
Our 1:1 coaching is focused on you, your firm, and growing your client relationships. During our time in Big Law, we have collectively led over 1k business generation meetings with women leaders, lateral partners, up-and-coming counsel, and associates. In large part, stage was inspired by women leaders and lawyers; we want to help women lawyers succeed. In our experience, the most effective approach to business development is often the simplest. Focus on client relationships first. Revenue and growth will follow.
We understand and appreciate the daily demands facing lawyers - delivery of legal and pro bono services, billing, collections, mentoring, practice administration, business development, and marketing … the list is long and time is short. With stage’s 1:1 coaching, we give lawyers time back through our co-sourced model. [co-source: a collaborative partnership that enhances the internal team.] Our framework is designed around growing relationships that include “trustpoints” - touch points that guide and build trust - at each stage of the client’s journey. You can implement the plan on your own, with assistance from your firm’s business development team, or with behind-the-scenes support from stage. We conduct in-depth research, create custom client communications for outreach opportunities, and develop tailored scripts of what to say and when to say it, keeping the spotlight on growing your client relationships.
We also coach and guide legal marketing and business development professionals who are looking for additional support and direction regarding their careers.
Key accounts are hard work, require a time investment but provide a clear path to economic success. stage’s work with clients and buyers has demonstrated a clear link between profitability and success in nurturing key accounts.
Drawing from our conversations with hundreds of buyers and decades of Big Law experience implementing new programs and managing established key accounts, we developed a framework for what clients want and provide guidance and coaching on implementation. stage is an accredited partner and certified to administer the Gardner & Co. Smart Collaboration Accelerator™ that helps understand internal and external team dynamics and provides insights to bring together deep functional and industry and marketing expertise to drive unique insights and increase revenue.
key account management
fractional cmo services
stage puts the goals and needs of law firm leaders and marketing teams at the heart/center of our fractional CMO offering. Whether you are looking for a senior-level marketing leader to: develop clear and actionable plans; inspire, engage, train, and coach your business development and marketing team; bring new perspectives and fresh ideas to the client experience/journey; launch/reinvigorate BD/marketing programs from scratch; develop/ramp up a new service offerings or increase/enhance your brand/market position, or research projects, stage has the necessary tactical and strategic experience to drive growth. Law firms only pay for the time they need and, in return, receive experienced and specialized marketing and business development talent without the full-time cost. Some companies require a minimum number of fractional CMO hours to be engaged; we do not.
branding + visibility
stage supports lawyers, legal marketing, and business development professionals in showing up in an authentic and differentiated way through our market visibility offering. We collaborate to script talking points, build brand narratives, coach on presentation and business development skills, and provide tailored programming workshops, all with an eye to increasing revenue. Depending upon your need, stage can shape both internal and external messaging.
How do you want to be seen?
How do you want to show up?
How do you want to win work?
What do you want to be known for?