business development workshops
Kickstart and ramp up your business development and marketing efforts with supplemental workshop trainings for your lawyers and business development teams. Our approach is always collaborative and intended to complement existing curriculum. Sampling of stage workshops:
The Art & Science of Understanding the Client: This interactive 60-minute workshop puts the client at the center of the conversation. We will walk through a systematic approach to gaining a solid understanding of a client’s business and industry, leveraging client feedback, company research, SWOT analysis, and a relationship map.
Playing to Your Strengths: A hands-on, highly personalized 90-minute session mapping lawyers’ 5 leading Gallup strengths to business development & marketing activities, creating a personal roadmap to best confidently activate business development.
Active Listening & Client Conversations: A 60-minute workshop with roleplaying was dedicated to having a conversation outside the parameters of delivering legal services. We’ll open with scenarios highlighting key inflection points for conversations. Key themes: preparation, active listening, empathy, transparency, reciprocity.
Industry Groups: Clients, Collaboration & Competitive Advantage: Design an Industry Group playbook using stage's template for a specific industry niche.
Convert Clients to Raving Superfans: A 60-minute workshop outlines client journey stages from initial engagement to ongoing partnership, identifying key “trustpoints” and opportunities for relationship building.
From 0 to 100: Accelerate Growth Via Industry Groups in 100 Days: A 60-minute presentation on how to launch an industry group in 100 days.