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“Wave of Office Closures Highlights the Weighty Stakes Surrounding Law Firm Growth"
"There's a huge amount of upward costs to bring people on, especially if you're trying to fill a whole office with books of business," said Stage co-founder and principal Megan Senese.
“First-Gen Lawyers Can Reach New Heights and Succeed in Big Law”
First-generation lawyers may feel foreign in the legal industry. They can start by seeking guidance to navigate the journey.
“Win the Tug of War for Law Talent with These Strategies.”
Megan Senese say Big Law firms should re-evaluate their firm management and strategy to retain top talent and build a culture of transparency, communication, and collaboration.
"You’re a Newly Minted Partner. Now What? 5 Tips for Your First 90 Days"
PLI Chronicle: Insights and Perspectives for the Legal Community (November/December 2024)
"Law Firms Can Keep Lateral Partners With Support at Work, Home"
Legal experts explain the keys to lateral partner retention. Firms need to ditch traditional levers to attract talent
The Legal 500 Podcast
Barnaby speaks to Megan Senese, co-founder of stage, a business development & marketing venture focused on relationships, revenue, and growth for legal services
"How to have deeper conversations with your clients and win more work"
Jennifer Ramsey shares six tips to help lawyers have deeper conversations with their clients.
Lateral Partner Recruiting Must Focus on Honesty and Clear Data
Legal experts explain the state of lateral partner recruiting. Hiring teams must build trust and manage expectations
Leading with Heart: Megan K Senese of stage On The Power of Authentic Women’s Leadership
Embrace resilience and use it as an opportunity for growth. The best test of resilience…create a company, run the company, and reach the year mark.