International Yoga Day

Every week I have the honor of guiding yogis at all levels of experience and skill through their practice. I am lucky enough to witness the beautiful transformation that takes place in their countenance, energy and aura from the time they enter the studio to when they leave.
Here are 5 invaluable perspectives I have gained through my practice and teaching that are transferable from the mat to the office:

💫 Beginner’s Mindset. Embracing a beginner’s mindset can be as simple as making a 1-degree shift in thinking. Be open and curious. The daily grind can be, well, a grind. A beginner’s mindset approaches ordinary tasks, to-do’s and meetings as if they were fresh starts. Subtle mind shifts over time make a big difference.

💫 Witness Consciousness. In the business world, one way to practice witness consciousness is through co-listening. One person is fully attentive and in listening mode while the other speaks. The listening zone is free of problem solving, analyzing, helping, discussing, interpreting…until the person is done speaking. Talk about feeling heard.

💫 Conscious Communication. In yoga teacher training, we learned a simple formula for having a direct conversation with someone, especially a difficult conversation. Check in to find a moment to connect + Express feelings/emotions using “I” statements + Take self-responsibility + Make a request for what would be supportive going forward = Move forward.

💫 Skillfulness in Action. For me, this translated into taking learnings and experiences from inside the studio to the outside world. Moving mindfully and skillfully, to the best of my ability, through the day. Being present. Paying attention. Putting energy into things that matter. Making any aforementioned 1-degree course-corrections along the way.

💫 BREATHE. My favorite breathwork is taking longer exhales than inhales. Any ratio will do - inhale for 2 counts and exhale for 4, or in for 3 counts and out for 5. This signals the brain to turn up the parasympathetic system which slows the heart rate, lowers blood pressure, and guides the body back to a state of calm. Breath is the ultimate power source. I tap into this whenever I have an important meeting or before a major presentation.

Yoga is more than a physical practice. Yoga encourages work-life integration, not to be confused with work-life balance. Yoga is the alignment of the physical with breathwork and mindfulness that can be incorporated into the daily grind, leading to greater presence, awareness and focus.

“If you can breathe, you can do yoga” - Krishnamacharya


spotlight: Elena Gurevich


podcast: for your listening pleasure. the podcast