4 C’s to keep your client center stage

“Is there anybody really alive out there?” ~ Bruce Springsteen

Business and client development can sometimes feel like this in a law firm setting (or any professional B2B setting for that matter) - for lawyers and BD/marketing professionals alike.

When you are short on time and to-do’s never seem to get to-done, here are 4 simple C’s to keep your client center stage:

🎤 Check-In. Connect, say hello, ask how they are doing. Every interaction doesn’t have to be that deep. If there is something more substantive to share - a solution, a proactive update, an invitation or article - then do it. Extra credit if you are on a text string with your client. You’re really in the circle of trust at that point. #trustpoints #goals

🎤 Care. There are a myriad of ways to show your client that you care. How better than to send a care package personalized to their interests (if gift giving policies allow of course). There are several creative companies that cater to corporate/client gift giving and will handle all of the details for you.

🎤 Consistency. Always deliver on your promises. I love Seth Godin’s take on this: “We call a brand or a person authentic when they’re consistent, when they act the same way whether or not someone is looking.”

🎤 Cadence. Commit to a manageable schedule for relationship-building outreaches with clients and prospects that works for you (e.g., dedicate 30-minutes every Friday or whatever cadence you choose). This helps take the work out of the work, knowing you have set aside dedicated time to connect on a non-work related basis.

If all else fails and you’re still having one of those days, stream your favorite tune, turn up the volume and sing at the top of your lungs. 🎸



from touchpoints -> to TRUSTpoints


ways to win client feedback