from touchpoints -> to TRUSTpoints

When stage was first conceived, one of the core values that we kept coming back to was the paramount importance of supporting lawyers in the creation of genuine relationships - with clients or prospects - to lay a solid foundation for fostering trust.

Building trust takes time, much like sowing seeds. With proper care, patience and consistency, eventually the seedling will take root and sprout into a beautiful bloom … tall oaks from little acorns grow, one touchpoint at a time.

Each and every touchpoint with a client or prospect presents a unique opportunity to create and build trust.

This led to our A-HA!💡 moment …. we help lawyers transform touchpoints into #TRUSTpoints!

Here are a few acorns on how:

🌰 It’s the little things. When speaking with a client/prospect, listen to what they are sharing with you. Do they have a birthday coming up? A big work anniversary? Are they headed to a family member’s soccer game over the weekend? Make a mental note or jot it down so the next time you speak with them, you can ask about it. Most people are usually touched (and shocked!) when someone remembers something special and specific about them.

🌰 Create a ‘next time’ to connect. Create a thoughtful reason to reach out that does not involve an ask of your contact or require them to do anything. Share information and draw a direct correlation on relevance like “I saw this article and thought of you because …”

🌰 Need inspiration? Setting up Google alerts is a simple and powerful way to stay connected to what’s happening with a client or prospect’s business. Pay particular attention to headlines that involve positive news like winning an award, launching a new product line or raising capital. Take time to celebrate with your contact and say CONGRATS!


introducing stage


4 C’s to keep your client center stage