What are Good Door Openers For Lawyers to Get in Front of Clients?

As a lawyer, if are going to give away something for free that you ultimately want people to pay for, it's gotta be good.

You have to make the offer, checklist, second review, etc, so good they can't imagine their life or business without it.
-Show the value.
-Show people what it's like to work with you.
-Identify things they might not have thought of.
-Hook them.

This isn't about aggressively chasing them with free samples or adding a throwaway like floormats.

Instead, aim to"offer something genuinely valuable (like 4 free business development coaching sessions, for example).

Create an offer that is so valuable that they all become clients.
Create an offer so good that they become your ambassadors without being asked.

Does your offer do that? If it doesn't, let's chat.


How Do You Sell Yourself as a Lawyer?


So Much To Say:A Legal Podcast For People