How Do You Sell Yourself as a Lawyer?
“I don’t know how to sell myself.” - Does this sound familiar? We hear this all the time from our lawyers.
You don’t have to sell yourself in every meeting!
In fact, focusing on selling only could shift your thinking into showing up in a completely inauthentic way.
Instead, approach each meeting by asking yourself and the person you are meeting with: “How can I help and support you”?
Additional questions to consider asking:
What’s top of mind for you?
What are you struggling with?
Would X be helpful?
Who else could I introduce to you?
Then listen.
Build the relationship and give yourself permission to get back to them with potential solutions.
This approach can be used in meet and greets and with existing clients.
It takes the pressure off to sell and pitch.
It removes the urgency of thinking, “I only have one shot at this opportunity.”
Focus on how you can help.